Mariana Castillo Deball
Firesong for the bees, a tree of clay
TEN THOUSAND SUNS 24th Biennale of Sydney
Luce dietro tracce incompiute
Cada cosa es Babel
To-Day/A Noite, September 2nd
In a Convex Mirror
As Hardly Found in the Art of Tropical Architecture
Conference Around The Clock
Ceremony (Burial of an Undead World)
Roman Rubbish
Hasta que los cantos broten (Until The Songs Spring)
By the position of your heart IT WILL BE KNOWN WHERE THE MIDDLE PLACE IS
Amarantus Artium
Walking through the town I followed a pattern on the pavement that became the magnified silhouette of a woman's profile
2021, May
Amarantus MUAC
Remedio Milenario, Códice de la Cruz – Badiano p. 61
A drawing, a story and a poem go for a Walk
Amarantus Siegen
Between making and knowing something
Replaying Life’s Tape
Finding Oneself Outside
In Tlili in Tlapalli
Never odd or even
Fatalismo Mágico
To-Day, February 20th
Pleasures of Association, and Poissons, such as Love–,
Them inside the skin
Feathered Changes, Serpent Disappearances
Viertel nach Schatten
Hypothesis of a tree
To-day July 9th
¿Quién medirá el espacio, quién me dirá el momento?
Vista de Ojos
You have time to show yourself before other eyes
My flowers will not end
What we caught we threw away, what we didn’t catch we kept
Uncomfortable Objects. Zurich Art Prize
We are silently illiterate
This constructed disorder, allows geological surprises for the most abandoned memory
Figures don’t lie but liars can figure
ars viva 09/10: Geschichte/History
Between You and the Image of You That Reaches Me
Kaleidoscopic Eye
Nobody was Tomorrow
Estas ruinas que ves
It rises or falls depending on whether you’re coming or going
Institute of Chance
Stochastic archives
The wall and the books: 987 words stolen from a library
Mariana Castillo Deball
Firesong for the bees, a tree of clay
TEN THOUSAND SUNS 24th Biennale of Sydney
Luce dietro tracce incompiute
Cada cosa es Babel
To-Day/A Noite, September 2nd
In a Convex Mirror
As Hardly Found in the Art of Tropical Architecture
Conference Around The Clock
Ceremony (Burial of an Undead World)
Roman Rubbish
Hasta que los cantos broten (Until The Songs Spring)
By the position of your heart IT WILL BE KNOWN WHERE THE MIDDLE PLACE IS
Amarantus Artium
Walking through the town I followed a pattern on the pavement that became the magnified silhouette of a woman's profile
2021, May
Amarantus MUAC
Remedio Milenario, Códice de la Cruz – Badiano p. 61
A drawing, a story and a poem go for a Walk
Amarantus Siegen
Between making and knowing something
Replaying Life’s Tape
Finding Oneself Outside
In Tlili in Tlapalli
Never odd or even
Fatalismo Mágico
To-Day, February 20th
Pleasures of Association, and Poissons, such as Love–,
Them inside the skin
Feathered Changes, Serpent Disappearances
Viertel nach Schatten
Hypothesis of a tree
To-day July 9th
¿Quién medirá el espacio, quién me dirá el momento?
Vista de Ojos
You have time to show yourself before other eyes
My flowers will not end
What we caught we threw away, what we didn’t catch we kept
Uncomfortable Objects. Zurich Art Prize
We are silently illiterate
This constructed disorder, allows geological surprises for the most abandoned memory
Figures don’t lie but liars can figure
ars viva 09/10: Geschichte/History
Between You and the Image of You That Reaches Me
Kaleidoscopic Eye
Nobody was Tomorrow
Estas ruinas que ves
It rises or falls depending on whether you’re coming or going
Institute of Chance
Stochastic archives
The wall and the books: 987 words stolen from a library